About Us
TOAM was founded in 2005 and registered under the NGO Acts of 2002 as a membership-based non-governmental organization with over 100 members across the country who promote and coordinate the development of organic agriculture in Tanzania.
Through our work, we build the capacity of our members to facilitate the transition of farmers to organic agriculture, raise awareness of the need for sustainable production and consumption, and advocate for a policy environment conducive to agro-ecological farming practices and sustainable development.
TOAM Has main seven thematic areas:
i. Food, nutrition and health
ii. Food and seed sovereignty
iii. Environment, climate change and biodiversity.
iv. Gender and youth empowerment
v. Farm productivity and profitability
vi. Market access and value chain development
vii. Advocacy and compaign
Make a Difference
Support our mission and make a positive impact on farmers, communities, and the environment, by donating to our cause.
ACCOUNT NAME: Tanzania Organic Agricuktural Movement
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 01J043011900
Inspiring Stories
Read real stories of positive transformation brought about by organic agriculture.